Cartography of Self

One-on-one coaching with Nadia begins with The Cartography of Self, a three-day intensive process. The goal? To reflect on your life to date, envision what’s next, and make it happen (more on the philosophy below).

  • We start with a call together. During it, we talk about what’s going on in your life, explore if working together is a good fit, and set goals.

    After that, Nadia will conduct 360 interviews with 6 people in your life for their perspectives on your strengths, areas of growth, and their hopes for you. These 360 reviews will inform our work together and will are shared with you in an aggregated report.

  • We’ll start by exploring the arc of your life to date—the unique experiences, challenges, and aptitudes that have made you, you. We’ll spend the day digging into your experiences, as you’re shaped by your gifts, your challenges, and the internal narrative you’ve been telling yourself about them.

    We bring awareness to unconscious patterns and clear traumas that create reaction and contraction. We’ll clarify your values so you can lead with clarity, creating a new, empowering narrative.

  • We’ll look at different areas of your life, crystallizing your vision for how you want to live and what is yours to do. The goal is to transcend your day-to-day to re-imagine your life from a higher-level perspective, focusing on what matters most.

    We’ll create a comprehensive report capturing your visions, goals, and next steps. You’ll also use your creative genius to create an artifact — like a cartography, or map, of your life, a guided meditation, or a spreadsheet — that you can refer to once you’re back home.

  • Lastly, we’ll set the foundation and begin executing, together. This might include creating new habits, systems, and structures; crafting job descriptions and developing the hiring process for new team members; writing the outline for the book you’ve been wanting to write, and more.

Ongoing Coaching

  • After the Cartography of Self, ongoing work is tailored to your needs. We’ll check in on your new habits and systems and refine them, continue working on your goals, and anchoring in new patterns and ways of being. Generally, the sessions are either weekly or biweekly for a quarter. This could also include additional consulting work like strategic offsites with your team, curriculum or experience design, and more.

  • My goal is that when you look back on your life, you’ll know that you lived your life and touched the world in the way you most wanted. For that to be the case, you need to be clear on what you value, what your natural gifts are, what impassions you, what bothers you most, and the areas of your life that need work. These are the things we’ll focus on together. 

    Personally, I don’t believe that anyone has a singular “mission” or “purpose” they must find, but rather, that purpose is something we choose and shape over time. I also believe (and science proves!), that when you’re living in service of something greater than yourself, you’re happier, healthier, and more effective. Lastly, I believe that all areas of life are interrelated and matter. If anything is off, then it’s all off, in a compounding way.

    In Sanskrit, dharma means “right relationship with life.” This is our work, our virtues, values, and how we show up on a day-to-day basis. For example, someone can say their mission is to solve climate change, and yet they are condescending to those they work with, insult their children, and walk by trash. That’s not dharma. Rather, dharma is, “doing as an expression of being”— it is how you see the world, how you see and interact with others (including yourself), and how others feel in your presence.